Passive House
Save money and energy with Passive House Design
What is Passive House?
Passive House (PH) is a highly efficient design standard for new construction and retrofits that prioritizes high levels of insulation, airtightness, and efficient mechanical ventilation systems to drastically reduce energy use due to heating and cooling. This not only reduces the building's operational carbon footprint, but also significantly cuts down on your energy bills. In addition to energy savings, the excellent detailing of PH projects result in great interior air quality and noise insulation, contributing to occupant comfort.
Passive House for every kind of project
Despite the name, Passive House principles are applicable across all different typologies in all kinds of climates. Residential, commercial, institutional, educational, and even industrial projects can be designed to PH energy efficiency levels at great benefit. In fact, Circular is a pioneer at bringing PH to new typologies, completing the first certified building in South Asia and one of only two factories built to the standard, the Star Garment Innovation Center.
Why choose Circular for your project?
Circular will fulfill a holistic design vision that aligns with your goals for sustainability, efficiency, comfort and aesthetics, no matter what project type. We are committed to providing the utmost level of attention and care to your project from conceptual designs to the ribbon cutting.